IBM Notes Traveler available with important fixes and DB maintenance command
Detlev Poettgen Oktober 7 2015 05:26:36 PM
Today IBM released a new Traveler version called you are running a version greater including you should update your Traveler server to, because of LO86445.
Details can be found here: anyone-else-facing-problems-with-traveler- It is fixed now :-)
In addition to APAR fixes, this server maintenance release introduces a new Tell command, DBMaint, which can be used to test database fragmentation levels, set scheduled maintenance, and run maintenance to reduce table index fragmentation.
APAR # | Abstract |
LO85584 | Explicit commit is not needed for database select statements. |
LO86339 | Warning may be displayed for redirect to SSL setting that is not in effect. |
LO86341 | Add covering index to improve performance of update queries. |
LO86366 | User may stop syncing after migration to HA environment AND change mail template. |
LO86445 | Traveler syncs attachments in very small chunks causing mail delays and possible server crash. |
LO86448 | Enable Calendar ghosting for ActiveSync devices when running on Domino 8.5.3 server. |
LO86466 | Get Error 400 trying to read encrypted e-mail on Companion app for Apple devices. |
LO86496 | Server crash on buffer over run error if log message is too long. |
LO86500 | Shake to undo folder move in native Apple mail client may not be reflected on server. |
LO86516 | PDF attachment not viewable if missing pdf extension. |
LO86521 | Principal field is blank on draft e-mail created by IBM Verse mobile client. |
LO86530 | Unnecessary error logging e-mails with attachments with no file name. |
LO86562 | Individually delete all instances of repeating meeting in IBM Verse mobile client will not delete all entries from server copy. |
LO86610 | Threaded e-mail move to folder not shown in new folder in IBM Verse client. |
The new tell traveler DBMaint command will allow a better control and an automatic DB maintenance.
Command Reference:
DBMaint Run | Immediately performs online maintenance. If the server is standalone, then it will configure maintenance to run on restart. |
DBMaint Show | Displays various database maintenance scheduling information. |
DBMaint Fragmentation | Recommends database maintenance based on fragmentation levels |
DBMaint Set Interval [days] | Sets the interval of days in which automatic database maintenance will perform. |
DBMaint Set Time [hh:mm] | Sets the time in 24-hour format in which automatic database maintenance will perform |
DBMaint Set Day [monday-sunday/off] | Sets the day of the week on which the first scheduled automatic maintenance will start. Set this to Off if you want the first scheduled maintenance to be based off of the last maintenance time. |
DBMaint Set Threshold [on/off] | Configures automatic database maintenance to check fragmentation levels before execution. |
DBMaint Set Auto [on/off] | Enables automatic database maintenance. Re-enablement will reschedule maintenance if either the time or interval have changed. |
DBMaint Set Indexes [number] | Configures the number of fragmented indexes for the fragmentation threshold. |
DBMaint Set Ownership | Configures ownership of database maintenance to the executing server. This server will be the only server that can perform automatic database maintenance. |
DBMaint Set Percent [0-100] | Only applicable for SQL Server. Configures the fragmentation percentage of indexes for the fragmentation threshold. |
DBMaint Set Functions [1-4] | Only applicable for DB2. Configures the number of functions that are used to determine if an index is fragmented for the fragmentation threshold. |
You can download the update as usual on IBM FixCentral.
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