POODLE reloaded and there will be Fix for it
Detlev Poettgen Dezember 12 2014 08:26:17 AM
Because there are some discussions in the Blog-o-Sphere about the poor SSL implementation in Domino, I would like to share the following regarding the new variation of the POODLE attack.Details about the new POODLE variation can be found here:
German: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Poodle-beisst-Load-Balancer-Lueckenhafte-Internet-Verschluesselung-mit-TLS-SSL-2482929.html
English: https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/12/08/poodleagain.html
Yes, I agree IBM had slept for more then ten years to keep the SSL/TLS stuff up to date, but I can only tell you:
IBM is aware of this bad situation and they are heavily working on it to get it fixed.
via Twitter:
Just cann't say more at the moment, but just wait...
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