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IBM Traveler available

Detlev Poettgen  Februar 15 2017 05:25:43 PM
Today IBM released a new Traveler version called (Build: 201702130701_20).

Image:IBM Traveler available brings this new feature:

- Support for Java 1.8.

Traveler is a pre-requisite for Traveler servers that will be upgraded to Domino 9.0.1 FP8, which we will be be released soon.


If you are running Traveler in HA Mode, you should check first the version of your used JDBC Driver.

For DB2 it is recommended using a JDBC driver from IBM DB2 11.1 or later DB2 products when using Java 8.  DB2 support states that this JDBC driver is backward compatible with earlier levels of DB2 server.
Details regarding the DB2 JDBC Driver can be found here:

APAR # Abstract
LO88787 Event may not sync to mobile device if there is a replication conflict on the initial invitation document.
LO90807 Better documentation and behavior when syncing documents that use an unsupported document encoding.
LO90903 DBAccountsCheck utility may fail to recognize duplicate account for a user when the name is stored using different case.
LO90926 Potential issue adding primary key to database schema on a stand alone Traveler server.
LO90987 Event location information could be lost on a meeting that is updated from an iOS native calendar application.
LO91052 Traveler database schema migration may fail on MS SQL Server when upgrading from to
LO91141 Modified online meeting info may revert to original value when event is later rescheduled from mobile device.
LO91227 Errors may be reported on Domino console when running Traveler cleanup on a stand alone server.
LO91272 Subject of e-mail may get corrupted when reply/forward from a Windows 10 Pro device.
LO91294 Last instance of a repeating all day event may be missing from iOS native calendar application.
LO91353 DB2 server may select a bad query execution plan when some users have 50k+ mail documents causing high DB2 server CPU.
LO91467 Event may not sync to mobile device if the time zone field has unexpected characters.
LO91468 User with multiple devices set to different mail filters may not get expected mail filter on all devices.
LO91485 Unable to add additional attachments when replying or forwarding an e-mail from a Windows mobile device.
LO91580 Update APNS certificates, new expiration value is March 8th 2018.
LO91585 Support for Java 1.8

Note: IBM Traveler does not include a database schema update.

You can download the update as usual on IBM FixCentral.

An IBM Traveler full installation package, which will be available on Passport Advantage on 24th Feb., can be used to upgrade any previous Traveler server or to install a new environment.

IMPORTANT: There is a major issue introduced in Please read this additional Blog post


UPDATE 21.03.2017:

IBM released Traveler today:


1Papi  02/24/2017 3:30:54 PM  IBM Traveler available

Die neue Version scheint einen Bug zu haben: In der Nacht wird der Adminserver zwecks Backup täglich heruntergefahren. Danach gelingt es dem Traveler nicht mehr, sich neu zu verbinden. Die Folge ist, das keine Mails mehr gepuscht werden. Nach dem manuellen Neustart des Travelers ist wieder alles ok.

Ist erst seit der neuen Version 16. Auch andere Benutzer berichten von diesem Verhalten: { Link }


The new version seems to have a bug: At night, the adminserver is daily down for backup purposes. After this, the Traveler is no longer able to reconnect. The result is that no more mails are pushed. After the manual restart of the tour again everything was ok.

Is only since the new version 16. Other users report this behavior.

2MichaelG  02/25/2017 7:57:51 AM  IBM Traveler available

Same issue with

User didn´t receive no more mails. With a "tell traveler user %USERNAME%" you can see that the Monitoring for the database is "disabled". After restart of Traveler all fine and also the Monitor Status will change to "enabled".

3TheNew  02/27/2017 12:12:50 PM  IBM Traveler available

Same issue here.

Traveler with SQL in HA configuration.

We have done a rollback to

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