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Apple Device Enrollment Program DEP now available in Germany

Detlev Poettgen  November 12 2014 09:17:17 AM
A great news for Apple Enterprise customers in Germany and Switzerland!

Image:Apple Device Enrollment Program DEP now available in Germany

As part of ADP (Apple Deployment Program) for business and education, DEP (Device Enrollment Program) streamlines mass iOS and OS X device deployments for IT staff and end users, readying the hardware for centralized setup and mobile device management (MDM) automatically. For example, DEP can be used to create multiple administration accounts, configure MDM servers for device handling and assign user profiles out of the box. One tentpole feature is "zero-touch configuration," which immediately configures account settings, apps, settings and more when a user first activates their device.  

In addition to third-party purchase support, DEP is now available in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, UK, and the U.S.

More information about DEP and how to setup your account can be done here:

1Christian  11/12/2014 4:04:16 PM  Apple Device Enrollment Program DEP now available in Germany

was ist DUNS-Nummer und DEP?

2Detlev Poettgen  11/12/2014 8:02:06 PM  Apple Device Enrollment Program DEP now available in Germany

Hallo Christian,

DUNS Nummer ist eine weltweit einheitliche Firmenregisternummer und vergleichbar mit einer Handelsregisternummer. Apple benötigt diese Nummer, um validieren zu können, ob es sich wirklich um das Unternehmen handelt, das am DEP teilnehmen möchte.

DEP = Device Enrollment Program, Details sind hier zu finden:

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